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What is a dynamic QR Code?
A dynamic QR Code is associated with an intermediate link or URL that redirects to a target link or URL that can be changed.
When should i use a dynamic QR Code?
In general, you should use a dynamic QR code if you expect that you may need to change the link or URL associated with the QR code. For example, if you are a cafe or restaurant and want to print a QR code that opens your menu on every table, it might be better to use a dynamic QR code in order to have the flexibility to change the menu link or URL without having to print a new QR code. If you manage a cafe or restaurant you can read Best Practices for using QR Codes for Cafe and Restaurant Menus
When should i use a static QR code?
In general, you should use a static QR code if you want to associate it with a link or URL that you expect will not need to change for the foreseeable future.
What are the disadvantages of having a static QR code?
You can't change the link or URL that is associated with the static QR code.
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